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Welcome to Minutemen Legacy MMLC

Minutemen Legacy Private Community

Hello Minutemen, my gamertag is QcWarChief. The FO 76 Minutemen of West Virginia will always be prepared for future changes in our favorite game Fallout 76. Sometimes we are too much prepared like creating our own end game with our fissure site run or having our own Private Community. We do have the imagination to make this game alive but, we were expecting that last update differently. We now find ourselves with a weird private world mechanic and will have to patient. Still, I find a little bit of what we want in those.


We now have a nice environment, more stability, more enemies and we can populate my World with my actual friend list but, the problem is the 8 players maximum which is filled up already. Involving other worlds is getting complicated.


The server is only active when I am active and that makes it really difficult to bypass bethesda's system. So, all my friend list is having a free pass to my world. At the moment, this is the only option I have and I am leaving this site active so members and friends can make a Minimum/Maximum 10$ donation if they want. Using the upper right tab (Get in Touch). This donation does not give you an access to my world. It helps me manage everything and make me save a little on my Fallout First Membership. Making a website, a Xbox club and continue to bring immersion to the game takes time and efforts. 


The access is restricted to my friends. They are the most important members of the community. They are implicated, objective, moderated and they are my friends because I like sharing my environment with them. Like me, they are responsible and they have their place in my world. We don't exclude Public servers but, we do reinforce ourselves and the core of the community in our Private world. They are like the Head Quarter and the Operation center. 



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Founded by wife and I in 2018 , we wanted to regroup many friendly gamers to complete our public server. Not only we evolved along the game, we became a faction populated of active gamers from all ages. Some are roleplaying, others are farming and hunting. Every individual is adding to our environment and this is why we now have our private community. 

During the past year, we fought the Scorched Beast Queen like a minutemen horde ready to experiment and pull down that ugly thing. We created our own events and made that game more alive than any other group did.


We got through many problems, either from the mechanic itself or from social interactions. This is an online world where we enforce our humanity, Where we will always meet people that hide online to act provocative and selfish. Don't refer these people to the private community, I keep myself the right to suspend and ban even paying members that constantly cause problems. Our Members are Paying for a great environment.

I also want to add that some great Minutemen grew up with us in the last year. There is many that became a better human being by just tagging along and debating on some real subject. We don't always agree but we do work together no matter what. We are the Minutemen Legacy.





Really helpful when defending a workshop, you can use these around the map using their respective flare to call it. Remember that these are not really strong but, when the enemy is shooting at it, he is not shooting at you.

Huge group of Players

If we can take nice picture like this, with that amount of players, it is that we know that some little things need to work together. Stormy as usual got naked. Yes there is other picture that... we all got naked.

An Ambassy to welcome new players

We know the game is confusing, especially if you never played Fallout before. This game is all mathematic. We are happy to help you get use to the game. Still, its important that you become self-sufficient. I am not farming stuff for others, I do it for me and If I have extras, I share it.

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